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AAO News

  • 30 Mar 2020 11:05 AM | Anonymous

    Hi Everyone,

    Following on the heels of Iona's great message, I too wanted to offer my support as Archeion Coordinator. If you need to get your mind off these intensely chaotic and challenging times we face, even for a short time, Archeion is a virus free zone!

    Feel free to browse the descriptions and authority records, search for family connections or even search our cat photos!

    I haven't forgot you dog lovers:

    Ferret lovers, I have one digital object just for you!

    Institutional Members can update, or add, descriptions, authority records and digital objects. As well, bulk uploads have been very popular. Want to know more about those? Just email me, and I am happy to go through bulk upload options that work for your situation.

    Never used Archeion or AtoM before? Or do you feel rusty, and need some training to remind you how to use it? Just email me and I can arrange virtual training by Zoom (even if you don't use Archeion, but want to know how to use AtoM). I can also send you my Archeion manual, soon to be updated to the newest AtoM version we upgraded to last week. Oh and if you are thinking of becoming a member, or may be a future member, don't be shy, contact me!

    This is a tough time for all of us, certainly uncharted waters, and to date, I have eaten likely a quarter of the chocolate in the world just out of stress and anxiety. You aren't alone in this, so if Archeion can help you forget things just for a few minutes, that is super! Please don't hesitate to reach out to me, I am happy to answer any questions, and help with what I can!




    Lisa Snider
    Archeion Coordinator
    Archives Association of Ontario
    t: (800) 208-1936

  • 27 Mar 2020 4:32 PM | Anonymous

    Greetings to Everyone.

    As we all struggle to deal with the new reality and concern for our families and friends, we as archivists are still the record keepers, the storytellers who will document this part of our history for future generations, as we also continue to provide access to essential information to keep the wheels turning. Doing so will require new ways of doing business, possibly for some time, but archivists, record managers, librarians, curators are capable of the challenge.  Forced to think outside the box as we are may result in new opportunities, collaborations and innovative ideas that will serve us well in the future.  

    As part of the archival community I wanted to assure you that as AAO Advisor I am still here and working to offer information and guidance to any who need support.  So do not hesitate to reach out to me at my contact information below if I can be of help. 

    Stay safe and be positive in these challenging times.  

    Iona McCraith


  • 23 Mar 2020 2:47 PM | Anonymous

    Dear AAO Members, conference attendees, and conference presenters,

    The Archives Association of Ontario (AAO) has been closely monitoring developments with COVID-19. In response to growing concern and newly-imposed travel restrictions, the AAO has made the very difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Conference. This decision was not easily made and I would like to personally thank the dedication of our Local Arrangements and Programme Committee members who have dedicated their time and energy into preparing what would have been a very successful conference. 

    The AAO cares deeply about the well-being and safety of our community and is committed to offering a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all of our members. All those who registered for the conference will be issued full refunds within the next 3-5 business days. Please be in touch with the AAO Office should you have any questions about the status of your refund. We also suggest all members who made travel arrangements to reach out to your airline, etc. to seek refunds where possible.

    We are currently exploring options as to the delivery of the 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM). More information will follow in the coming weeks about the delivery of our pre-conference workshop, Fundraising and Grant Writing, with Raegan Swanson, Executive Director of the ArQuives. We will continue to issue communications on any further developments here, on the AAO email listserv, and through our social media channels.

    I would again like to thank our wonderful volunteers for their work and all of you, as members, for your continued support of our association. We have faced a difficult year but are emerging stronger as a community.

    Please write to us at if you have any questions or concerns.


    AAO Conference Local Arrangements and Program Committees 2020

    AAO Board of Directors

  • 12 Mar 2020 10:37 AM | Anonymous

    Dear AAO Members, conference attendees, and conference presenters,

    The Archives Association of Ontario (AAO) is closely monitoring developments on COVID-19 and possible implications on our services. The 2020 AAO Conference in Thunder Bay, ON, is scheduled to proceed as planned from 13 to 15 May.

    The AAO cares about the well-being and safety of our community and is committed to offering a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for our 2020 Conference. As of today there are no confirmed or presumptive cases of COVID-19 in the Thunder Bay area and the level of risk to visitors is low. Up-to-date information on Thunder Bay’s response to COVID-19 and other helpful resources are available here.

    We are in communication with members, conference speakers, attendees, and exhibitors. Please write to us at if you have any questions or concerns.

    The AAO Board of Directors hopes to welcome you all in Thunder Bay this May. We will issue communications on any further developments here, on the AAO email listserv, and through our social media channels.

  • 11 Mar 2020 10:05 AM | Anonymous

    Dear Membership,

    The Archives Association of Ontario is pleased to announce Archives Awareness Week 2020! This year’s event will run from Monday, April 6 to Sunday, April 12.

    Online tools and technology have revolutionized the way archivists work, and we pay tribute to these new developments with this year’s Archives Awareness Week theme: “Archives Online”. 

    To help with planning, we've put together a kit with a few resources and questions to get you started. 


    The following are some questions and prompts to inspire you and get you thinking about how the online environment has influenced your work as an archivist. Feel free to use as many as you want, or come up with your own.

    • What platforms and channels are you using to promote and provide access to your holdings?
    • Are you planning or have you planned any online exhibits?
    • How are you using social media at your institution? 
    • Do you have any online projects you would like to promote?
    • Are you doing any digitization work at your institution? What are your users asking to be made available online?
    • How have online capabilities improved your services? What have you accomplished or achieved?


    Use our AAW posters to celebrate and promote your events. Share them online or post them around your institution to get the word out. You can find them on the AAO website here.

    AAW Resource Page

    AAO members also have access to the AAW Resource Page. Click here for more ideas and tips on how to plan and promote your events.


    Do you have an AAW event planned at your institution that you want to highlight? Let us help you reach a wider audience! Contact and we will share your event on the AAO website.

    Please reach out if you have any questions or comments, and don’t forget to use the #2020AAW hashtag. We can’t wait to see what you have in store!

  • 09 Mar 2020 2:57 PM | Anonymous

    Dear AAO members,

    In accordance with Section 20 (Amendments to the Constitution), the AAO Board is distributing proposed updates to the AAO Constitution, which must be distributed to the membership at least 60 days prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

    AAO Board will be tabling two motions at the AGM regarding our Constitution: 1) To establish a standing committee, “A Student and New Professional Outreach Committee,” and 2) To revise the wording of the Institutional Development Committee’s membership requirements.

    These amendments will be sanctioned by a vote at the 2020 AGM at the annual conference in Belleville. Please find a summary of the recommended changes here.

    Thank you for your time and continued support in the AAO. We hope to see you in Thunder Bay!

    Please direct any questions regarding the AAO Constitution to myself.

    Kind Regards

    James Roussain

    President, 2019-2020
    Archives Association of Ontario (AAO)

  • 02 Mar 2020 11:01 AM | Anonymous

    This year’s Archives Association of Ontario conference theme is Building Bridges, Connecting Communities. The conference will take place at the Prince Arthur Waterfront Hotel in Thunder Bay, Ontario from May 13 to 15, 2020. 

    Conference details, including the program at a glance and information about the pre-conference workshop, travel discounts, and local information, are available on the conference page. 

    We are excited to see you in Thunder Bay!

    Social Events

    More information about the social events can be found on the social events page and in the conference program:

    • First Timers Reception
    • Opening Reception
    • Pub Night
    • Alexander Henry Tour
    • Conference Banquet
    • Port Arthur Historical Walking Tour
    • Informal Dinner at a Local Restaurant
    • Casual Archives Crawl


    Please email with any questions.

  • 20 Feb 2020 12:13 PM | Anonymous

    Nominations are currently being accepted for two (2) positions on the Board of Directors of the AAO. Each term will commence upon election at the AAO’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), to be held on May 15, 2020, in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

    Volunteering as a Director on the AAO Board offers an invaluable professional development experience. It provides candidates with an opportunity to network with other professionals in the field, develop their leadership skills, and to apply their existing knowledge and skill set to the service of Ontario’s archival community.

    The positions that are currently open for nominations include:

    Vice-President/President Elect: Three-year term (May 2020 – May 2023)

    The Vice-President/President Elect (VP) serves as the deputy to the President, and provides assistance in all aspects of Board planning and policy decision-making. Along with the President, the VP may represent the AAO at meetings with the Association's stakeholders and within the broader Canadian archival community. Specific duties include:

    • Liaising with AAO Standing and Special Committees and/or Sub-committees thereof, and Special Interest Groups (SIGs);

    • Performing the duties of the President in cases of absence or inability; and

    • Supporting the President in providing general supervision of the operations of the AAO, its staff, and the secretariat office.

    The VP assumes the position of President in the second year of their term; and in the third year serves as a non-voting member of the Board in the capacity of Past President.

    Director Without Portfolio: Two-year term (May 2020 – May 2022)

    The Director Without Portfolio position provides assistance in the general governing of the affairs of the Association. Specific duties may therefore include:

    • Serving as a Board liaison to one or more of the Standing and Special Committees of the AAO, and/or Sub-committees thereof;

    • Participating fully in Board decision-making; and

    • Contribute to the development of Association policies, procedures and guidelines.

    You are invited to contact the following current Board members with any questions about the available positions:

    Nominations are being accepted by email only. 

    Please complete and submit the form to the AAO Office at, using the subject line “Nominations 2020”, and direct your message to the attention of the Nominations Committee. 

    Nomination forms must be received by the AAO Office by close of business on Monday, April 6, 2020.


    James Roussain

    President, 2019-2020

    Archives Association of Ontario (AAO)

  • 18 Feb 2020 10:35 AM | Anonymous

    Dear Member,

    The AAO Board of Directors invites you to participate in a membership survey aimed at seeking your opinion of AAO programs and services. Your participation is crucially important to assist us in determining the association’s strategic direction, as well as identify gaps in programs and services the association should be developing for its membership. 

    The survey should only take about 15 minutes to complete, and will run from February 18th to March 6th, 2020.

    Please click here to begin the 2020 AAO Membership Survey.

    We thank you for your time and continued support in the AAO!


    James Roussain

    President, 2018-2020 | Archives Association of Ontario


  • 10 Feb 2020 2:47 PM | Anonymous

    The AAOEe is currently looking for new members to join the Executive to help shape the Chapter’s program of archives and information professional development in Eastern Ontario.

    What does the AAOEe do?

    The Archives Association of Ontario East / est (AAOEe) Chapter is a volunteer-led organization under the AAO umbrella. The Chapter serves and engages our membership, provides programming and workshops, and promotes archives, heritage and information management to the public through events. We also connect with the AAO Board to support its efforts to build membership and advance the organization’s development.

    The Executive meets roughly 8 times per year and consists of the following roles, all of which are one-year terms that are elected at the Chapter AGM (2 April 2020) and are open for the 2020-2021 year. In addition to the responsibilities described below, all members contribute some time to program development and implementation.

    Which role do you want to fill?

    -       President

    The President provides leadership to the Chapter. This includes acting as spokesperson for the Executive, the membership, and stakeholders to the AAO Board and other interested parties. For Executive meetings, work includes scheduling, setting the agenda and chairing the meetings. The President also ensures that the Chapter is fulfilling its responsibilities to the AAO Board, such as submitting required reports. Time commitment: 5 hours per month, with additional time required for the AAO Leadership Meeting and AAO Annual General Meeting

    -       Treasurer

    The Treasurer looks after the Chapter’s finances. Duties include preparing budgets and financial statements, writing cheques, managing deposits and investments, and reporting on the previous year’s finances at the AAOEe AGM. Time commitment: 3-4 hours per month, with additional time required for the AGM.

    -       Secretary

    The Secretary is the official recordkeeper for the Chapter. They take minutes of all meetings and distribute documentation to the Executive and the general membership as required. Time commitment: 2 hours per month

    -       Vice-President

    The Vice-President performs the duties of the President in their absence and advances the interests of the AAOEe. This often means providing support with planning and program development. The VP is encouraged to stand for President upon completion of the latter’s term. Time commitment: 3 hours per month

    -       Member at Large

    The Member at Large position assists the Executive to build capacity in subject areas that may be pertinent to the broader membership.

    For example, the Communications Officer is a portfolio assigned to a Member at Large. The Communications Officer updates the AAOEe Facebook page with upcoming events, tours and workshops. Other social media tools may also be used.

    The Member at Large may be elected at the AGM with assigned responsibilities, or it may be project based and appointed by the Executive at any point in the year. The role often builds upon the subject expertise of the volunteer. Time commitment: flexible, 2-4 hours per month

    Note: the AAOEe encourages student participation, particularly through the Member at Large position. There is no limit on the number of Member at Large positions.

    For more information on any of the roles described above, and to discuss how you can contribute, please contact us at


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