About Archeion |
Archival descriptions provide information about groupings of archival materials held by collecting institutions such as archives, museums, libraries and historical societies. These descriptions provide information about the archival records such as titles, dates, subjects, creators, and much more. Explore our archival descriptions (external link).
Authority records provide information about the creators of the archival records described in Archeion. Creators may be individuals, families, or corporate bodies. Corporate bodies include businesses, institutions, governing bodies, social organizations, and any other group that creates and keeps records as a collective. The authority records in Archeion provide information such as the dates of existence of these record creators, their official names and other names, and their biographies or administrative histories. Browse our authority records (external link).(referred to as “People and organizations”).
Institutional profiles in Archeion provide information about the AAO institutional members contributing archival descriptions and authority records to the database. These institutional profiles include contact information, as well as business hours, collections mandates and policies, institutional histories and more. You can visit Archeion’s institutional profiles (external link).
You can browse Archeion, perform a Basic search or perform an Advanced search.
Click the “Browse” button next to the header bar search box, then select the type of record you would like to browse. Your options are:
You can also select one of the browse categories above from the “Browse by” menu on the Archeion home page (external link).
Basic searching
Perform a Basic search by typing your search terms into the header bar search box.
Advanced searching
Perform an Advanced search by clicking inside of the header bar search box, then clicking “Advanced search.”
Archeion Authority Record Policy
Read the Archeion Authority Record Policy (PDF) to view the minimum requirements for authority records in the Archeion database. The Archeion Coordinator is available to support member institutions with any questions regarding the policy.
Archeion Institutional Repositories Policy
Review the Archeion Institutional Repositories Policy (PDF) to understand the minimum requirements for an AAO member institution to have an institutional repository record in Archeion's institutional directory (external link).
Archeion Storage Policy
AAO Institutional members get 1 GB of free space when they sign up for Archeion. Additional Archeion Extra Storage for digital objects in 5 GB and 10 GB packages can be purchased for a fee and billed annually. Find out more in the Archeion Extra Storage Policy (PDF).