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Toronto Area Archivists' Group (TAAG)


The Toronto Area Archivists' Group (TAAG) is the Toronto Chapter of the Archives Association of Ontario. Known as TAAG, this group organizes professional development and social events for Toronto-area archives professionals, including workshops, tours, and parties! We welcome collaboration with archives, libraries, historical societies, and other groups. 

TAAG also provides an award to the convocating student with the highest academic standing in the Archives and Records Management path at the University of Toronto's iSchool.

Contact Us



President: Elizabeth Carroll

Past-President: Charly Wreggitt

Secretary: Nicole D'Angela

Treasurer: Angela Fornelli

Member-at-Large: Louise Curtis

Member-at-Large: Tiffany Ribeiro

Member-at-Large: Beverley Darville

Member-at-Large: Ruby Yuen

Member-at-Large: Elisia Steinberg

705-1 Eglinton Ave. East

Toronto ON

M4P 3A1

(647) 343-3334

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