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Board of Directors

As outlined in the Constitution of the Archives Association of Ontario (AAO), the AAO is directed by seven elected Directors each of whom is a voting member of the Association.

The Board consists of the President, Vice-President/President Elect, the Secretary/Treasurer, two Directors Without Portfolio, the Chapter Stakeholder, the Chair of the Institutional Development Committee, and the Chair of the Professional Development Committee.

Current Board of Directors

Helen Liu


Shelley Respondek

Vice-President/ President Elect

Sarah McDougall
Past President

Al Stanton-Hagan

Jessica Barr
Institutional Development Committee Chair

Krista Jamieson
Director Without Portfolio

Sergey Vershinin
Director Without Portfolio

Gina Dewaele
Chapter Stakeholder

Tiffany Ribeiro 

Web Administrator

Teresa Wong
Professional Development Committee Chair

Term of Office

(a) Annually, one-half of the Board shall be elected for a two-year term and the other half shall continue their two-year term.

(b) The position of Vice-President/President Elect shall be elected each year for two-year term, and the incumbent shall become President in the second year of the term.

(c) The two Directors without Portfolio shall be elected for a two-year term every even numbered year and the Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected for a two-year term every odd numbered year.

(d) The Chapter Stakeholder shall be elected annually by the Chapter Executives for a one-year term.


As outlined in the constitution, the AAO Board is required to meet a minimum of 4 times a year. As a norm, however, the board meets, in person and over the phone, at least 6 times a year in early August, October (leadership meeting), December, January, March, and April.

Reporting Documentation

Annual Reports (on Google Drive)

Annual General Meeting Minutes:

705-1 Eglinton Ave. East

Toronto ON

M4P 3A1

(647) 343-3334

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