Have you considered donating to the Archives Association of Ontario? Donations can be made online and you will be eligible for a tax receipt!
Financial support helps us provide programming, education, advocacy and share knowledge to over 325 members. We promote the development of a co-operative system of archives in Ontario by:
- Advocating on behalf of Ontario’s archival community to the government of Ontario, local government and other provincial institutions to advance archival practice and promote the value of archives
- Promoting professional standards, procedures and practices among archival repositories
- Facilitating archival communication and cooperation among institutions, users and sponsors
- Providing leadership through communication and co-operation with individuals, groups and associations interested in the preservation and use of Ontario's documentary heritage
- Being part of a network of provincial, territorial and national archives associations
Additionally, the AAO offers a number of different services to its members, including:
- Guidelines for starting and managing an archives through the advisory services of the AAO Archives Advisor and Archeion Coordinator
- Educational opportunities through professional development and web resources
- Opportunities for members to make professional connections
- Archeion, a database containing archival descriptions and digital objects from AAO member institutions