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Ontario Archival Accessions Register (OAAR)

Note: As of January 2025, the AAO is reviewing the Ontario Archival Accessions Register data collection work flow, led by the Archeion Coordinator in consultation with institutional members. 

For up-to-date information about Ontario archives' holdings and collection mandates, consult Archeion (external link)

The Ontario Archival Accessions Register (OAAR) is an online register of accessions to archival institutions in Ontario. The registry has been developed in conjunction with the Provincial Acquisition Strategy to allow Ontario archives to share basic information on the new records that they have received in the previous year. OAAR is intended to capture brief details on newly acquired records at the point of acquisition, before processing has taken place.

See what archives across Ontario collected by viewing past OAARs:

2019 OAAR Template

The 2019 Ontario Archives Accessions Register is now available to download. Please direct questions about the OAAR to:

Disclaimer: The Ontario Archival Accessions Register captures information of records that not have been processed and made available through archival finding aids. Please contact the institution holding the records to determine what, if any, access is currently available.

For more information, please download the Ontario Archival Accession Register Fact Sheet.  

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Toronto ON

M4P 3A1

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