Title: Digital Preservation: Key Concepts and Tools
When: April 5, 2019, 9am-4pm
Instructor: Grant Hurley, Digital Preservation Librarian at Scholars Portal
Minimum/maximum participants: 10 minimum and 20 maximum
Cost: $100 (student AAO member); $150 (AAO member); $240 (non-member)
Other: Refreshments will be provided but participants will are responsible for their own lunch.
Instructor bio:
Grant Hurley is the Digital Preservation Librarian at Scholars Portal, the information technology service for the Ontario Council of University Libraries. He oversees digital preservation services, including the Scholars Portal Trusted Digital Repository and the Permafrost hosted digital preservation project. He holds a Dual Master of Archival Studies and Master of Library and Information Studies from the University of British Columbia. He currently serves on the board of the Alcuin Society, and on the Canadian Standards Board Committee on Electronic Records and Image Management.
Archives of Ontario, 134 Ian MacDonald Blvd, North York, ON
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