NEW EDITION: Municipal Archives Interest Group - Annual MAIGazine Publication
The MAIG Executive is pleased to present the 18th edition of the MAIGazine. After living through a series of “historical events'' over the past few years, it’s safe to say that many municipal archives have gone through exceptional transformations. In this edition, we have several exciting updates from our municipal archive colleagues and thought-provoking articles for readers that touch on a range of topics from re-imagining archival policies and practices, reaching new audiences, and growing an online presence in innovative ways. Please enjoy the fantastic submissions this year, which can be viewed here.
We are also happy to share that the results from the Municipal/Government Archive COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery Survey are now in. This survey was created as a collaborative effort between the Municipal Archives Interest Group and the Institutional Development Committee of the AAO to gauge and better understand how Ontario Archives are recovering from the impacts of the pandemic, and the challenges that archives continue to face. To determine how to best support our members during pandemic recovery, we asked Ontario archives for assistance in providing important information to the AAO Board and MAIG Executive, through completing this short survey. We had eleven archives respond in total, including nine municipal/government archives.
All survey responses from Municipal and Government Archives are available to view online here. Information from other respondents will be kept anonymous at this time.
Feel free to contact the MAIG Executive with any questions or concerns about the survey.