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  • August 2022, Volume 2, Issue 8

The Original Order of Things:

An AAO Monthly Newsletter

August 2022, Volume 2, Issue 8

Editor's Welcome

It is the end of summer and the start to a new school year for many of our members! Just in time to start planning your autumn schedule, the AAO’s Professional Development Committee will be hosting a new workshop, “Electronic Recordkeeping : Building a Modern Software-Ready Retention Schedule Suitable for Electronic Recordkeeping'' on September 15, 2022 - space is limited, so sign up today! The AAO Board of Directors endorsed the Steering Committee on Canada’s Archives Reconciliation Framework.

- Tys Klumpenhouwer and MacKenzie Gott, Editors.   

AAO News

a. Statement from the AAO Board of Directors Endorsing the Steering Committee on Canada’s Archives (SCCA) Reconciliation Framework

In early 2022, the Steering Committee on Canada’s Archives (SCCA) announced the release of the Reconciliation Framework: The Response to the Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Taskforce. This framework provides archives and archival workers with an actionable guide to reconciliation with the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis governments, communities and community members represented in their archival collections.

In July, the AAO Board of Directors met to discuss and vote on the framework. In a unanimous decision, the Board agreed to formally endorse the framework.

The AAO encourages all members to read this document and consider its significance to their own work. In the coming months, the AAO plans to hold an information session to provide further information about the framework and potential paths for implementation.

Any questions about this endorsement can be directed to Rachel E. Beattie, AAO President at

b.  Municipal Archives Interest Group (MAIG) Survey Results: Pandemic Recovery and Impacts on Municipal/Government Archives

The MAIG Executive is pleased to present the 18th edition of the MAIGazine. After living through a series of “historical events'' over the past few years, it’s safe to say that many municipal archives have gone through exceptional transformations. In this edition, we have several exciting updates from our municipal archive colleagues and thought-provoking articles for readers that touch on a range of topics from re-imagining archival policies and practices, reaching new audiences, and growing an online presence in innovative ways. Please enjoy the fantastic submissions this year, which can be viewed here.  

We are also happy to share that the results from the Municipal/Government Archive COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery Survey are now in. This survey was created as a collaborative effort between the Municipal Archives Interest Group and the Institutional Development Committee of the AAO to gauge and better understand how Ontario Archives are recovering from the impacts of the pandemic, and the challenges that archives continue to face. To determine how to best support our members during pandemic recovery, we asked Ontario archives for assistance in providing important information to the AAO Board and MAIG Executive, through completing this short survey. We had eleven archives respond in total, including nine municipal/government archives.

All survey responses from Municipal and Government Archives are available to view online here. Information from other respondents will be kept anonymous at this time.

Feel free to contact the MAIG Executive with any questions or concerns about the survey.

c. Our Archeion Coordinator is Keeping Very Busy!

The AAO’s new Archeion Coordinator, Jazmine Aldrich, has been very busy this past summer. She published two articles:

Check out Jazmine’s articles "Archeion for Ontario's Environmental History” published on NiCHE on August 5, 2022 and “Digital Access, Pandemic Responses, and the Future of Archives” published on Active History on July 12, 2022. 

On September 7, 2022 at 2:00 p.m., Jazmine will be joining the Network in Canadian History and Environment (NiCHE) for a Conversation about Archeion. NiCHE Conversations are 10-20 minute casual conversations on Instagram Live.

Jazmine will also be hosting an Instagram livestream event on September 28, 2022 from 12:15 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Is there anything you've been wanting to know about Archeion? Research tips? Questions about membership? Here is your chance! Join Jazmine Aldrich, Archeion Coordinator, for an Instagram Live on September 28, 2022 at 12:15pm. The stream recording will be posted following the event. See you then!

d. AAO 2022 Annual Conference Presentations are Online!

Many of the presentations from the AAO’s 2022 Virtual Conference, “These are Unprecedented Times,” are now available online! Members can access recordings here - 2022 Conference Presentations.

e. Join the AAO’s Institutional Development Committee (IDC)

Do you want to get involved with the AAO? Are you a new professional looking to meet fellow archivists and contribute to the field? Consider joining the IDC! 

The IDC plays an important role by advising the Board on all matters pertaining to the interests of institutions in Ontario and the development of a provincial archives system.

If you are interested in volunteering or wish to learn more about these opportunities, please reach out to Jessica Barr, Chair of the IDC,

f. Join the AAO’s Student and New Professional Outreach Committee (SNPOC)

The Student and New Professional Outreach Committee is currently looking for volunteers for all committee positions, including Chair, Secretary, and Student representatives. As a member of the SNPOC, you will:

  • Recruit student and new professional members by brainstorming and implementing advertisement strategies and recruitment events

  • Support student and new professional members with a wide range of activities

  • Collaborate with other AAO committees in the above activities

  • Build communication networks with education institutions with students in Archives and related fields

  • Network with other archivists in the AAO

If you are interested in volunteering please send us an email at

gProfessional Development Committee (PDC) - Reminder to register for workshop

The AAO’s Professional Development Committee presents “Electronic Recordkeeping : Building a Modern Software-Ready Retention Schedule Suitable for Electronic Recordkeeping.” 

This one-day workshop provides an overview of modern electronic recordkeeping concepts and techniques, and a high-level introduction to EDRMS (Electronic Records/Document Management Systems). You will learn new recordkeeping terminology and concepts, and “unlearn” many sacred traditional records management notions. With this course you will learn the new language of electronic records, the seven core concepts of electronic recordkeeping, and the critical difference between case and administrative records. You will also learn how to automate recordkeeping processes to eliminate the need for end user participation and how your retention schedule will need to change as a result.

When: September 15, 2022, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm EST.

Where: Online. Instructions will be sent upon registration.

Cost: $150 (AAO members); $100 (AAO student members); $240 (non-members)

Register for the workshop here.

h. Professional Development Committee (PDC) - First hybrid workshop available!

The AAO’s Professional Development Committee presents “A Beginner’s Guide to Monetary Appraisal of Archives.”

This half-day workshop will present the processes of monetary appraisal as they are applied in the Canadian archival context. We will discuss pre-appraisal, tax implications, donor relations, relevant organizations and legislation, and the monetary appraisal process in a practical half day "how to" session. 

When: October 27, 2022, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm EST

Where: John M. Kelly Library and Online. Instructions for online attendees will be sent upon registration.

Cost: Remote attendees: $80 (AAO members); $50 (AAO student members); $120 (non-members)

In-person attendees: $100 (AAO members); $70 (AAO student members); $140 (non-members)

To Register: A minimum of 10 participants and a maximum of 25 in-person participants and 25 online participants may register for this event.

Register for the workshop here

Job Postings

EDMS Coordinator, The Corporation of the Town of Oakville Deadline - Oakville Ontario (closes September 7, 2022)

Archives and Inventory Intern - Art Gallery of Sudbury - Sudbury, Ontario - (closes September 13, 2022)

Archivist - Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery - Toronto, Ontario (closes September 16, 2022)

Upcoming Conferences

a. International Council of Archivists Roma 2022 Conference

Date: September 19-23, 2022

Location: Rome, Italy (in-person)

Theme: Archives: Bridging the Gap

Call for proposals closed.

Website link

705-1 Eglinton Ave. East

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